Superstake by mrgn
Unique, AMM-style UX approaches to the borrow/lend model

These approaches were fairly rough in terms of their implementation, and more-so expiremental at the time, as the team was debating approaching borrow/lend with an AMM style ui, and even an LLM style UI.

These wireframes are more realistic for UX:


Experimental one-click lend + borrow "swap"


Note that this ux uses a 4-tabbed navigation to the upper, left with "superstake" being an extension furthest to the right


throughout these examples, we iterated with a version that kept the portfolio and active positions separate from all swapping, lending, or staking.

Lancer Lancer Lancer Lancer Lancer

Experimenting with displaying LTV based on swaps and input fields in realtime: designing around risk was the primary starting point for mrgnlend.


Managing a position prompted a modal with the ability to stake or unstake.

Lancer Lancer Lancer Lancer

We experimented with an LLM style staking and unstaking UI: See Omni

Lancer Lancer